
Fortune Rice 福运”牌大米


Fortune Rice 福运”牌大米

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Available to purchase now 现已到货可购买

 India's #1 Trusted Consumer Brand 印度最受信赖的消费者品牌

We are excited to introduce our three new varieties are available to purchase: Basmati, Long Grain and Jasmine


View the Range 查看产品系列


Rice Recipes 大米食谱

Looking for some inspiration?  We have a range of Rice recipes to help you get started using our delicious rice products. 

在寻找一些烹饪灵感? 我们有一系列大米食谱可帮助您开始使用我们美味的大米产品

View Recipes  


Basmati Rice (product of India) 印度香米(印度产品)

Classic Basmati Rice 
Aged naturally, these rice grains acquire the best attributes of basmati. On cooking they elongate over 2 times, become fluffy and flavourful providing a royal touch to your most special rice recipes. Every grain of Fortune Classic Basmati Rice is carefully aged, dried, dehusked, processed, graded and sorted with a sophisticated colour sorting machine at out milling plant before being packed.



Everyday Basmati Rice
Fortune presents Everyday Basmati Rice grown in the Himalayan foothills of India and specially aged to help every grain acquire the best basmati characteristics. When cooked, these long fluffy grains remain separated and are suitable for your everyday dishes as they deliver on aroma and flavour.



Long Grain Rice (product of Thailand)
  • 100% Thai Long Grain
  • Fluffy & easily separated
  • Bright white long grain rice
  • Subtle flavour
  • Complements many dishes

Fortune Long Grain Rice is cultivated in the central regions of Thailand. When cooked, this rice delivers a white, separated and fluffy effect, making it one of the most popular and versatile rice varieties with a subtle flavour that complements many dishes.

Capture your customers with diverse rice dishes providing flavour, great yield and plate coverage.

长米 (泰国产品)

  • 100%泰国长米
  • 蓬松不粘,粒粒分明
  • 100%泰国长米
  • 蓬松不粘,粒粒分明
  • 莹白长米
  • 口感精妙
  • 适合搭配多种菜肴




Jasmine Rice (product of Thailand)
  • 100% Thai Jasmine Rice
  • Soft & Sweet Texture
  • Fragrant Natural Aroma
  • Bright White Shiny Grains
  • Long Slender Shape

Fortune Everyday Jasmine Rice is a 100% Thai Fragrant Jasmine rice. When cooked, the rice delivers long, slender white grains, a  soft texture and slightly sweet flavour to bring brightness and quality to dishes with a consistency that brings your customers back again and again.

Goodman Fielder has partnered with Wilmar, Asia’s largest rice distributor, to bring Fortune Thai Fragrant Jasmine rice to New Zealand at exceptional value.


  • 100%泰国茉莉香米
  • 口感柔软清甜
  • 天然米香
  • 米粒莹白光润
  • 细长米粒形状


Goodman Fielder与亚洲最大的大米经销商Wilmar合作,向新西兰市场推出优质超值的“福运”牌泰国茉莉香米。

Purchase these Products 订购这些产品

If you are an existing Goodman Fielder customer you can purchase these products by heading to our online shop or calling customer service on 0800 GETFOOD (482 783). 

如果您已经是我们Goodman Fielder 的客户,您可以前往我们的线商店或致电客户服务部 0800 GETFOOD (482 783) 订购这些产品。

If you would like to purchase from your local stockist a full list can be found here. 您也可以在以下当地的商店购买这些产品


Business Name Location
Maia Foods  320 Cashel Street, Christchurch Central, Christchurch, 8011
Riverside Food Market  104 Pt England Road, Pt England, Auckland, 1072
Super Food Market  60 Hobson Street, Auckland Cbd, Auckland, 1010
Millwater Superette  2/175 Millwater Parkway, Silverdale, Auckland, 0932
Value Mart  227 Linwood Avenue, Linwood, Christchurch, 8083
Patel Brothers  92 Sunnybrae Road, Hillcrest, Auckland, 0627
Dh Supermarket Manurewa  2/222 Great South Road, Manurewa, Auckland, 2102
A1 Spice Supermarket  203 Hobson Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland, 1010
Kens Mart Asian Supermarket  290A Colombo Street, Sydenham, Christchurch, 8023