Customer Profile

Sam Low

“Choose the right staff… who share the same vision and goals as you. It means they are willing to not only help the business succeed, but feel proud of helping the business achieve its goals.”

Coffee Expert

Sam Low with coffee

Coffee Expert & Food and Beverage Creative

Sam Low has spent over 10 years working in the specialty coffee industry in Melbourne, Vancouver and Auckland. Sam was the 2016 NZ barista champion, 2015 & 2013 NZ latte art champion, as well as the world’s top 6 ranked latte art competitor in 2013. 

Sam combined his wealth of hospitality experience and deep love of coffee to develop a range of training modules about everything to do with making coffee, from latte art and advanced extraction to competition coaching and coffee fundamentals, all of which provide excellent support for cafes.

His first taste of coffee was sipping some of his mum’s caramel latte as a child in Fiji, but his eureka moment came when he was drinking a washed Ethiopian yirgacheffe pour-over filter coffee at Atomic Coffee – that’s when he realised there was more to coffee than flat whites and intense espressos.

“Choose the right staff… who share the same vision and goals as you. It means they are willing to not only help the business succeed, but feel proud of helping the business achieve its goals.”

Read Sam's top tips for cafe success.

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