Industry Profile

Emma Markland Webster

With 20 years’ experience in the coffee industry, Emma was NZ’s first barista champion and holds the title of NZ’s highest-ranked female barista.

NZSCA Event Manager

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Profile: Emma Markland Webster, NZSCA Event Manager

With 20 years’ experience in the coffee industry, Emma was NZ’s first barista champion and holds the title of NZ’s highest-ranked female barista. On top of that, Emma has been a World Barista Championship Judge from 2003 through to present and is currently the Event Manager for the NZ Specialty Coffee Association. Emma’s passion for making coffee and her top-level international barista competition experience makes her a driven and highly-networked coffee mentor.

Always striving to do better and evolve the coffee industry, Emma relishes the connections of her global coffee family. She enjoys watching and mentoring the new wave of young coffee professionals as they discover their love of coffee.

“When baristas take part in trainings or competitions, as a judge, competitor or volunteer, it’s a great way for a café to celebrate and shout about their coffee business, and for their customers to get right behind them.”