
New Bottle

At Meadow Fresh we’re on a mission to make being more sustainable a little bit easier for all New Zealanders because together, we can be a force for good.

New Bottle

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At Meadow Fresh we’re on a mission to make being more sustainable a little bit easier for all New Zealanders because together, we can be a force for good.

Our sustainability journey so far. Our biggest achievements are yet to come

We want to help New Zealanders be healthier and happier, for us that also means stepping up where possible to protect and nurture the land, air, water and natural resources we all love and rely on every day.
We’re proud of the practical actions taken to date to look after our planet and make our delicious dairy products more sustainable.

However, our work is far from finished: we have bold ambitions that will keep us focused on continually finding new and better ways to operate, for a bright future for food, people and the planet.

Our Milk Bottles

With over 9.5 million milk bottles produced every year, packaging sustainability plays a huge role in achieving our environmental ambition. Our goal is that by 2025 (or sooner), all plastic used in our dairy packaging will be made of recycled, 100% recyclable, or reusable materials. In the meantime, we’re proud that our milk bottles now contain 30% recycled material, which means we are reducing the amount of new plastic (that hasn’t been used before) by 250 tonnes a year.


Key pillars

A key pillar of our sustainability strategy is taking action to reduce waste, in all aspects of our operations, and in collaboration with all New Zealanders. In our operations, this involves the responsible consumption of local natural resources. We’re also looking at ways we can continue to reduce material used in our packaging & identify alternatives for single use plastic, and improve end of life solutions for soft plastics. We know that Kiwis are doing a great job tackling waste, and we will also continue to support our customers in their efforts to recycle, reuse, and reduce waste where possible, by providing tools and education.

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Zero Emissions

We believe that together we can be a force for good and help to take more positive steps to support the environment and climate. We are very proud of the fact that we are on our way to achieve our ambitious net zero emissions goal by 2040. Our decarbonisation plan includes moving to 100% renewable electricity at all of our Meadow Fresh operated sites, and a focus on energy productivity, electrification of thermal processes and a transition to renewable fuels. Importantly, our impact doesn’t stop at our factory gates, and we are committed to working with our suppliers, customers, peers and experts to develop net zero pathways across our entire supply chain.

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Renewable Electricty

As part of our efforts to tackle carbon emissions, we’re very proud to have achieved 100% renewable electricity status at our Meadow Fresh milk processing centres.

This great step forward in our climate action plan will continue to help us minimise our carbon footprint now and into the future.

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