Fortune Jasmine Rice Yellow Seafood Curry 720px

Yellow Seafood Curry

30 minutes

Want to spice up your curry menu? This yellow seafood curry will do the trick along with a side of fragrant jasmine rice. Get the taste buds buzzing with seven easy steps!


1.5kg White Onion
2g Fresh Ginger
2g Fresh Garlic
9g Garam Masala
8g Turmeric Powder
7.5g Coriander Powder
30mL Tamarind Paste
600mL Coconut Cream
30g Brown Onion
1.5 each Green Chilies
15g Coriander Root
30g Cashews
12g Cumin Powder
2 King Prawns (per person)
30g Black Mustard Seeds
9 Whole Cloves
3 Black Cardamom
9 Red Cardamom
6 Whole Nutmeg
6 Cumin Seeds
7.5 Bay Leaves
60g Chopped Coriander
300g Fortune Fragrant Jasmine Rice
20 Mussels
3 Squid Tubes (per person)


To Make The Curry Paste

1. From the ingredients list above, all ingredients from the Bay Leaf down are included in the curry paste. To begin, soak the cashews for 24 hours and strain.

2. Take the white onion and boil it in enough water to just cover the whole of the onion. Boil until soft and most of the liquid has evaporated and blend the onion into a paste.

3. Take the remaining onion, chop finely and fry. Combine the fried onion with the strained cashews and blend with the coriander root, the green chili, ginger and garlic into a smooth puree.

4. In a heavy bottom pot, add the onion paste, with the herbal puree and fry until fragrant, taking care not to burn. Add in all of the spices and simmer until aromatic. Add the coconut cream and continue to simmer. Set aside until needed.

To Make The Seafood Curry

5. Cook your Fragrant Jasmine Rice according to packet instructions.

6. Prepare your seafood and sauté in a hot pan, adding the pre-made curry sauce, specified above. Heat until it boils and all of the seafood
cooks through.

7. Place the rice into a mould and serve with curry. Garnish with fresh lime and coriander.