Brown Butter Hollandaise
1. Place egg yolks, lemon juice, water, salt and pepper in a tall narrow container. Use
an immersion blender to blitz briefly until combined.
2. In a medium non-stick saucepan, cook the butter over medium heat, swirling the pot
frequently. The butter should start to foam and release a nutty aroma.
Remove from heat once the butter is brown and fragrant (5-6 minutes).
3. With the immersion blender on high, slowly pour the hot butter in a thin stream into the egg mixture, to form a thick, smooth hollandaise. Taste and add extra seasoning or lemon juice, if needed.
Eggs Benedict
1. Melt butter in a small frying pan on medium-high. Add capers and cook until crispy. Remove from heat.
2. Bring a saucepan half-filled with water to the boil. Stir in vinegar. Reduce to a gentle
simmer. Poach eggs.
3. Meanwhile, toast and butter muffin split. Top with rocket, salmon and avocado.
4. Arrange poached eggs on top, then add hollandaise sauce. Garnish with crispy capers and serve with a wedge of lemon.
TIP: Hollandaise can be kept warm in a vacuum flask for up to 4 hours.