GF 720x720 SavouryScones

Savoury Muffins by Antony

18 minutes


Savoury Muffins utilising Goodman Fielder Ingredients Scone Premix:

Yield: 140g - 14 Muffins

Prep time: 10 minutes

Bake time: 18 minutes


1kg Scone Premix
600g Water (approx. 25 C)
90g Eggs
100g Canola Oil
50g Parmesan Cheese
100g Meadow Fresh Everyday Grated Cheese
100g Diced Capsicum (50g Red, 50g Green)


In a bowl add water, eggs & oil and lightly whisk until combined.

Add remaining ingredients, scone mix, parmesan cheese, grated cheese and diced capsicum and mix together lightly by hand until all ingredients are combined.

Deposit into lined Texas muffin tins at 140g each. Top with some extra grated cheese.

Bake at 220°C for approx. 18 minutes.
(Baking time and temperature may vary from oven).