21 03 26 GOODMAN FIELDER 0542

Ciabatta Loaves by Tim

90 minutes


Prep time: 2h 30min

Cook time: 30 minutes




Group 1
5.00kg Goodman Fielder Ingredients Strong Flour
250g Ciabatta Concentrate
35g Dried Yeast (or 105g of Fresh Yeast)
3.675kg Water (variable)
Group 2
500g Water (variable)


1.Add Water - 1 to spiral mixer followed by all dry ingredients and the oil.

2.Mix on slow speed (in reverse direction) for 2 minutes then on high speed for 5 mins.

3.Add Water - 2 while mixing on high speed for 3-4 minutes or until dough is fully developed.

4.Remove from mixer and place 4kg of dough into well oiled 70cmx45cm fermenting bins, press dough out as close to edges of the bin as possible.

5.Cover to prevent skinning and rest dough for ½ hour at room temperature.

6.Knock back the dough by folding it over itself in thirds, rotate 90 degrees and then lightly press out to the edges of the bin. Rest for another ½ hour and repeat this process another 2 times. After the last fold, sprinkle a good amount of flour over the dough. Rest for ½ an hour after the last fold.

7.Gently tip the dough onto a well floured bench and shape dough into a rectangular shape the same size as the tub.

8.Scale/cut dough into desired weight. For Ciabatta loaves we recommend approx. 600g each or 6 per tub.

9.Lightly roll up like a swiss roll taking care not to knock out the gas.

10.Tray up and rest for 20 minutes before baking.


Bake at 220°C for approx. 24 to 28 minutes with steam. Vent for the last 10 minutes of baking.

*Baking time and temperature may vary from oven to oven*