Reduce waste with Reusabowl

7 easy ways to reduce waste and be more sustainable from Reusabowl:

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  1. Establish correct waste streams (including composting scraps) for all your waste, and make sure your staff understand and use them.
  2. Review your serving sizes and menu options to avoid over-catering/creating further food waste.
  3. Reusable packaging is a great way to ensure takeaway packaging waste isn’t created too, and it’s also a great way to avoid future food waste, as it incentivises more customers to takeaway leftovers.
  4. Ask for plastic-free packaging alternatives from your suppliers, eg, is your fresh produce delivered in reusable crates?
  5. Buy locally to avoid extra food miles and emissions, and stock organic produce that supports soil health and regenerative agriculture.
  6. Schedule regular fridge and kitchen equipment maintenance to ensure they are performing efficiently and not leaking dangerous refrigerants into the atmosphere.
  7. Most importantly, educate, engage and involve your staff on your journey to a more sustainable business.

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